The Department of Social Development led by Acting Head of Department, Ms Shouneez Kimmie-Wookey and supported by our partners in the Social, Health and Crime Prevention partners today commemorated Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day in Postmasburg.

This campaign happens over a period of nine consecutive days, in all the nine provinces leading up to 9 September which is International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder day.

It seeks mobilise communities to protect unborn babies by educating pregnant women and women of child-bearing age to avoid alcohol while pregnant or breastfeeding. 

FASD Day is commemorated each year at nine minutes past nine on the ninth day of the ninth month (September) drawing attention to the fact that women should not drink alcohol while pregnant.

It is part of the coordination and implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (NMDP 2019-2024) which aims to build a society free of alcohol and drug abuse. 

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), South Africa has the highest reported FASD prevalence rate in the world. It is estimated that the country’s overall rate is at least 6%. There is no treatment for FASD but it can be prevented if women do not drink during pregnancy. The deputy minister was joined by the Central Drug Authority, traditional leaders, the EC liquor board, child activists, community members and pregnant women. 

Each of the speakers called for a coordinated approach in dealing with the prevention of FASD and the support of families who may have disabled children as a result of this preventable illness.

We have also observed an alarming increase in the number of young people and more especially girls and women consuming alcohol and other harmful substances. This has a detrimental effect on not only the life and health of the mother, but that of the unborn child.

The Department with the support of our partners in the Social Sector and various welfare and community based groups and organizations will continue to advocate for the responsible consumption of alcohol. 

We call on liquor traders, schools, religious and traditional leaders to support us as we fight to restore the moral fibre of our communities.

The Department also on this day hand over maternity starter packs to expecting mothers to help take care of some of the material needs mother and baby would require after birth.

We also strongly promote breastfeeding as breast, or mothers milk contains all the nutrients new born and growing babies require to develop healthy and happy. 

And of course the most important for new born babies is unconditional love, care and protection.


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