Mr Justice Ndwambi
Tel: 053 874 9190
Fax: 053 874 9295
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Design and implement integrated services for substance abuse: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
The program is aimed at reducing substance abuse in the province through the following:
- Substance abuse prevention services,
- Treatment and aftercare services to persons with substance abuse problems (including facilitation of admission of persons to in-patient treatment centre) and those affected by substance abuse,
- Capacity building through training and funding of service providers in and outside the Department to render quality prevention and treatment services and
- Networking with other sectors to render integrated services
The comprehensive service package of substance abuse service to service users are:
- Prevention programmes with a focus on the various substances and FASD to children younger than 18 years, people (18 and above) participate in the prevention programmes, - Holiday programmes, Ke-Moja, information and education sessions.
- In- patient treatment services within the and outside of the Province.
- Community based treatment and after care services are provided to service users by social workers within the Department, complemented by SANCA.
The targets for prevention programmes, in- patient treatment services and out-patient (community based treatment) and after care
services are influenced by demographic trends such as FASD and baseline data as well as capacity and duration of a treatment programme.
services are influenced by demographic trends such as FASD and baseline data as well as capacity and duration of a treatment programme.
The budget allocation makes provision for post funding at SANCA payment of stipends to volunteers, referral of statutory cases for treatment outside the province, working tools for community based treatment and after care services and monitoring of services (Goods & Services budget).