Population Policy Promotion

Ms Refilwe Mosiane
Tel: 053 802 7713
Fax: 053 802 4042
Email: RefilweMosianeThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • To design and implement capacity building programmes within the social development sector and other government departments in order to integrate population development policies and trends into the planning of services.
  • To facilitate, conduct and manage population development and social development research, in support of policy and programme development, both for the implementation of the national Population Policy and other programmes of the Department of Social Development.
To provide updated demographic and population related data and research information to manage planning, inform decision making and budgeting in all 3 spheres of government.



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Department of Social Development
Latlhi Mabilo Complex
257 Barkley Rd

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