The Northern Cape Provincial Administration wish to encourage leaners to become ambassadors for the environment for the sake of the current and future generations. The Love for Schools, care for, and protection of, our environment has to start at a young age. It is for that reason that the Northern Cape Provincial Administration would take this pro-active step to nurture the younger generation so that they get to appreciate the importance of environmental care and protection.
In his address Premier Zamani Saul alluded to the fact that, it was not by chance that the Sixth Administration decided on JTG for this very important campaign. “We have found that the neglect and the negative impact on the environment and in our communities are most evident here. Therefore, as the Provincial Government we took a decision to implement the Love your School Campaign as part of a broader campaign to not only to raise awareness on the devastation caused by littering and unhygienic environments but also to forge a partnership with schools and communities to take ownership of our schools and all facilities established to advance learning and teaching”.
Our schools are very important assets that can be equated to National key points but we tend to treat them as irrelevant and of no importance. The condition of our schools is to a lesser degree as a result of poor maintenance but largely as a result of vandalism and deliberate actions of destruction and hooliganism.
As this Sixth Administration we are embarking on a journey to establish a Modern, Growing and Successful Province but we cannot achieve this on our own. We need each and every citizen of this Province to lend a hand and help us to achieve it. Not so that we as administrators can feel satisfied that we have achieved on the mandate we set for ourselves but knowing that all our people benefit from every initiative we implement”, Dr Saul added.
Premier Saul further went on to appeal to different stakeholders to come on board, “In order to conduct our clean-up campaigns successfully we always invite and encourage the participation of municipalities, business community, civil society and the media. Charity begins at home; everyone has a role to play, from our homes to the streets, to our schools, churches, and even the parks. Let's keep our surrounding clean and manage waste correctly. This is particularly important because our country is one of the preferred hosts for international events.”
“My pleas also go out to our young people to remain focused on creating that better life we aspire to. Do not be distracted by the destructive lifestyle of substance abuse and refrain from acts of violence, intimidation and bullying. Schools are institutions of learning and those providing education and guidance are our treasures and should be respected and treated as such. Stop bullying and promote respect amongst yourselves and your educators. So please let us all take hands and work together so that we- together- can realize a modern, growing and successful Province.’