Launch of Ritchie Shelter: 28 November 2023

On 28 November 2023, the MEC of Social Development Ms Nontobeko Vilakazi and the Head of Department Ms Shouneez Wookey, launched a shelter in Ritchie, Frances Baard, as part of the 16 Days of Activism of No Violence against Women and Children campaign. Other dignitaries included the Provincial Commissioner of SAPS General KC Otola, amongst other partners and stakeholders.

The Minister of Social Development fostered a partnership with the Minister of Public Works, whereby the Department of Public Works identifies unused buildings and donates them to the Department of Social Development to utilise as shelters for victims of GBV. As a result, a building was identified in Ritchie and was donated to the Northern Cape Department of Social Development to utilise as a shelter. The Department of Public Works officially handed over the structure to the Department of Social Development on 28 April 2023.

The Department of Social Development then purchased furniture and all the necessities to ensure that the centre is a safe place for victims. In establishing this shelter, the Department partnered with the NGO, Ratanang Victim Support, to manage the operationalisation of the shelter. The role of the Department of Social Development in this partnership is to provide psycho-social support to victims of GBV, skills development training to survivors of GBV, facilitate support groups for victims to maximise the healing process to graduate into survivors and implement the Ke Moja Program at schools in Ritchie.

The MEC said in her address "that senseless abuse of women and children shamefully occupies high priority on Government's agenda. The delegation gathered here confirms that. And that is why I want to talk harshly and I want to talk directly to men who have no respect and no sense of shame for women and what they do to our precious jewels. And that is exactly what they are. Jewels to be treasured and honoured. We will no longer tolerate and stand by idly while you carry out your heinous deeds. This is a friendly but very serious warning - we will come after you and we will come down hard on you."

To ensure that victims are in a safe environment and receive the necessary support and services after experiencing brutality at the hands of perpetrators, the Department of Social Development is funding 5 Victim Support Centres in the Province. Kimberley Shelter in Kimberley, Ethembeni Trauma & Crisis Centre in De Aar, Bopanang Centre in Upington, Princess Poffadder Safe House in Keimoes and Bankhara Bodulong White Door in Kuruman. "We therefore urge women to utilise these services as they are meant for them. We encourage women to speak out and break the violent circle of abuse."

"We have as a Department on regular intervals programs with stakeholders (NPA, Justice, SAPS, Correctional Service, Education, Health, Commission on Gender Equality, VEP Volunteers, NGOs) aimed at addressing the protection of women and children; these integrated programs promote unity and working together as Government Departments for the benefit of our communities.”


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