Petrusville: linking Substance Abuse and Pregnancies: 22 September 2023

The Petrusville community saw the Department of Social Development hosting a drugs and substance abuse event, on 22 September 2023. They further dived into the urgency of pregnancies that took Petrusville by storm, usually, it is teenage pregnancies that skyrocket, but in this case, there is a multitude of women that were impregnated, but because the event focused on drugs and substance abuse, FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) was also discussed.

Many of the children born in the community of Petrusville suffer from FAS, because the mothers consume alcohol whilst pregnant, posing a big risk for the unborn child. It is known that alcohol consumption whilst pregnant renders the child challenged, because alcohol destroys the brain cells, in this case, while the child is still in a state of developing all important organs, the alcohol attacks the fetus and leaves it vulnerable.

The Department went to this community in hopes of finding a solution to this problem. Many experts around this subject attended this event alongside the Department of Social Development, engaged with the community, and spoke about what needed to be done. As sympathetic as the Department is to the circumstances of the Petrusville community, that behaviour cannot be excused, therefore solutions were discussed with the community of Petrusville.

Later during the event, care packages were distributed by the Department of Social Development, containing all the products a young mother needs for her infant. A baby-friendly washing basin and all the essentials, such as nappies, baby powder, washing soap etc.

After all the commodities and the discussions, the event was concluded and the community had hope again, thanks to the Department of Social Development and other departmental officials.

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