Honouring 3 Students in Dithakong Village, JTG District: 2 Febuary 2023

On 2 February 2023 the MEC for Social Development, Ms Nontobeko Vilakazi, honoured three (3) students who rose above adversity to achieve remarkably good results in the 2022 National Matriculation Examinations.

"I want to start by firstly greeting our very special guests and simultaneously introducing you to the future of South Africa.

We have come here to celebrate not only three exemplary students but also three soldiers and three young people who strived to reach their goals and showed the world that despite adversity, success is attainable.

Today one of the two young ladies (we are withholding their identities to protect their dignity) has risen to be one of the top achievers from the Grade 12 class of 2022. Mr Lebogang Haward Monnatlale, a young man who fought and overcame drug addiction, with the support and services rendered by the Department of Social Development, has achieved good results. All three young people will go on to university to further their studies. One of the ladies has been accepted to study BCom Accounting at Wits University and the other one will be going to Sol Plaatje University to pursue a career in teaching.

These remarkable and brave young ladies and gentleman, stand before us today not as victims, but as survivors.

Ladies and gentlemen, becoming a survivor is not easy. It requires emotional strength, self-discipline, determination and the will to rise above the circumstances that affect you.

We acknowledge the support provided by their families, their teachers, our social workers, and our psychologist. This collective was the motivating voice that encouraged, provided mental and emotional support, and prompted these phenomenal young people to reach higher.

Many of us have become complacent and comfortable in our state of poverty, presenting excuses for our failures and eventually becoming the victims of our circumstances. Poverty is something that we can overcome with self-discipline, commitment to education, resilience and a positive attitude. Substance and drug abuse have become the new pandemic. Abusers blame everyone except themselves.

Yes, load-shedding, COVID-19, and other factors present challenges to our performance. These remain mere excuses when you have set a specific standard to become the best that you can be and rise above your circumstances.

Many victims do not report attacks to the police because of the perceived re-traumatization that arises while being questioned; to relive the event is terrifying. Many victims do not report attacks due to the further trauma experienced at our hospitals.

I want to encourage all those who are victims of GBVF or substance abuse to come forward. To report your case. To ask for assistance.

As a government, we will ensure that justice is served and that victims receive the required treatment and support.

To our young ladies, I cannot fathom the suffering you endured. The chronic pain that spills as it is more than the heart can endure. The immeasurable rage towards the perpetrators of such acts.

Today you are empowered young women. Today you are examples to those who endure similar unbearable trauma. Today you can say: 'I suffered, I endured, I rose above and I succeeded.'

To our young gentleman, today you're an example to your peers and other youth who are easily diverted from their path, tempted by the immediate gratification substances and alcohol provide. Yet you found your way back, you endured, you fought the fiend temptation and you rose.

Returning to school determined to complete grade 12 demonstrated that you made a choice not to be buried, but to uplift yourselves and serve as living testimony that you will not be broken, beaten or damned.

You are a representation of hope to others. Your defiance of becoming victims of your circumstances is what empowered you. Not many people have this level of resilience.

Today I put this challenge to every young person out there: Nothing should stop you from becoming the best version of yourself.

Here are three young people who defied all odds and succeeded.

They will continue to rise because they have chosen NOT to adopt the victim syndrome. They are resilient, they are visionaries, they are survivors and they are future leaders.

To our young ladies, I cannot fathom the suffering you endured. The chronic pain that spills as it is more than the heart can endure. The immeasurable rage towards the perpetrators of such acts.

Today you are empowered young women. Today you are examples to those who endure similar unbearable trauma. Today you can say I suffered, I endured, I rose above and I succeeded.

To our young gentleman, today you are an example to your peers and other youth who are easily diverted from their path, tempted by the immediate gratification substances and alcohol provide. Yet you found your way back, you endured, you fought the fiend temptation and you rose.

Returning to school determined to complete grade 12 demonstrated that you made a choice not to be buried, but to lift yourselves and serve as living testimony that you will not be broken, beaten or damned.

You are a representation of hope to others. Your defiance of becoming victims of your circumstances is what empowered you. Not many people have this level of resilience.
Today I put this challenge to every young person out there: Nothing should stop you from becoming the best version of yourself.
Here are three young people who defied all odds and succeeded.

They will continue to rise because they have chosen NOT to adopt the victim syndrome. They are resilient, they are visionaries, they are survivors and they are future leaders.

In closing, life will present you with more challenges, but always remember that you have overcome the unimaginable.

Believe that 'I can be changed by what happened to me, but refuse to be reduced by it.' 'I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become."'

Victory belongs to those who persevere". -MEC NONTOBEKO VILAKAZI


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