The aim was to bring services and opportunities to young people that they would ordinarily not have had knowledge about accessing.
• FARR shared the services they render to pregnant women, programs they implement in communities and where to access help.
• Dept of Economic Development shared on programs they render to Youth, Women and children
• DSD generic social workers shared on services the Department renders, how and where the services are rendered. Soft skills were also shared on how to draft a CV, as well as the Do’s and Don’ts when applying for jobs.
• DSD Youth Development shared on programs available, like learners and license program amongst others. The emphasis was also on completion of attendance register so as to get registered on Dept of Labour Database for employment opportunities (area / district specific)
• DSD Probation Services highlighted the link between crime and the impact it has on your future.
• DSD Substance Abuse unit shared life-skills regarding substance abuse as well as where to access assistance when experiencing such challenges.
Issues emanating from youth:
• They have experimented with substances (dagga, alcohol cigarettes), some are still using to date
• They observe children abusing substances from a very younger age, substance abuse is rife in all communities
• Most have knowledge on the dangers of substance abuse
• High school drop-out resulting in low educational levels
• Some do not have a CV
Contributing factors:
• Boredom, lack of recreational facilities
• Learning disabilities (undiagnosed)
• Poverty, lack of material resources to escape reality
• Unemployment (some with low education levels, others with degrees – Young lady from Kai Gariep with a HR degree struggles to get employed)
• Conflict with law, criminal records hinders their employment opportunities
• Lack of NGO’s focusing on youth development
• Lack of positive role models in communities.
Plan of Action:
The Department will continue with programs such as this to ensure that more stakeholders come on board to render assistance to young people on where to access services and opportunities.
Area Social Workers will continue to engage the young people that were in the program, to link them up with opportunities within our department, assist the young people to improve their soft skills and raise awareness on substance abuse.