Communication Directorate of the National Department, NGOs, and the LGBTQIA+ community gathered at the Horseshoe Inn to discuss issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community. The Seminar began with an opening prayer by Rev. Shimane Morake, followed by the opening and welcome by Ms. Lizelle Henney, Director of Population Development, and the purpose of the day presented by Ms. Refilwe Mosiane, Deputy Director of Advocacy & Capacity Building within Population Development. Ms. Pia Mabote from the National Advocacy and Information, Education & Communication Unit at the National Department presented "Human Rights are LGBTQIA+ Rights". She discussed the Population Policy for South Africa, the Policy objectives and functions of the Population Unit, as well as Sexual & Reproductive Justice. Ms. Mabote then elaborated on LGBTQIA+ as a Human Right & Justice Issue, stating that the human rights of LGBTQIA+ people remain a matter of grave concern and that although awareness has grown of these attacks, they are often met with impunity. There is a dire need for accurate communication on these issues, whether it is on the unacceptability of hate crimes or combatting misinformation, myths, and stereotypes. Therefore, all role players are involved with targeted social and education programs to end violence and discrimination linked to sexual orientation and gender identity. Ms. Mabote highlighted the importance that messages be customized for local contexts and languages and that they must reach both urban and rural communities.
Mr Tebogo Makwati from D'Gayle Diamonds gave an overview of the Northern Cape LGBTQIA+ sector, engaging the audience on what the different letters in the acronym refer to: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual/Aromantic. He continued highlighting the need for advocacy, as there are many groupings affected by this issue, referring to six registered organizations and six unregistered ones. Mr Makwati alluded to the fact that South Africa has progressive legislation, but the implementation thereof is lacking. There is a need to cultivate proper social tolerance and inclusion. He also referred to people not understanding the different "identifications" and that especially parents need to be aware of these issues. In closing, Mr. Makwati mentioned that for some reason, people tend to cluster LGBTQIA+ issues with HIV and AIDS, as if the two are mutually inclusive. Pastor Shaine Griqua from the Shaine Griqua Advice & Development Centre relayed his past experience with the handling of LGBTQIA+ affairs. He referred to an incident about 12 years ago where he was attacked, but not even the Provincial Commissioner of SAPS would categorise it as a hate crime.
This is the same challenge that people with albinism face. Pastor Griqua argued that the biblical Adam was transgender, referring to the fact that God made a woman from Adam's rib. He alluded to ongoing problems that the LGBTQIA+ sector is facing, referring to how problematic it is to adopt. He then made several suggestions, such as the Department of Education should look at the curriculum to include these issues from early childhood development. Religious organizations should include it in Sunday School. The Department of Home Affairs should change the Identification Documents to accommodate the provisions of the Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act, 2003 (Act No.49 of 2003). Referring to the Same-Sex Summit held in 2007 by the Department, he highlighted the poor buy-in from both the political and financial sectors. Further, Pastor Griqua highlighted research by the Mail & Guardian in 2009, which found that midwives saw inter-sex children as a bad omen. He also mentioned that there are problems not only with toilets but also with shelters. Social workers, circuit managers, school principals, etc. must be sensitized on these issues. A panel discussion followed with several government departments relaying what their departments have done in terms of issues facing the LGBTQIA+ sector. This included the Departments of Health, Education, Home Affairs, SAPS and the NPA. Participants then went into commissions to discuss the following:
Sector Policy Perspective on
Social Cohesion
Service Delivery
After feedback from the commissions and a discussion of their respective feedback, Ms. Henney closed the seminar with a vote of thanks.