Programme Director
Ladies and Gentlemen
Vanaand is ‘n baie groot geleentheid vir die Departement en al ons spesiale gaste wat saam met ons is vanaand. Ons is hier om nie net die uitslag van die opleiding wat U ontvang het te vier nie, maar ook om vroue te bemagtig om self te kan sorg vir hulleself en families.
Soos U weet is werkloosheid ‘n groot problem nie net in De Aar nie, maar ook regoor die land en as die Regering moet ons manière vind om mense, veral vroue en jongmense te kry om meer deel te neem aan die ekonomie en nie net op toelae te wag nie nie.
Ek weet dat die vrou in die meeste van die tyd die familie bymekaar hou en moet plan maak vir die kinders om tee et, skoon te wees, in die skool te wees e nook om in n goeie huis groot te word. Met hierdie help van die Departement sal julle dit kan doen en my wens is dat julle sal bou op dit wat ons vir julle voorsien het.
Ons het gister Menseregte dag gevier en die program is ook om die waardigheid van mense te herstel en die reg van die kinders om versorg te word te verseker. U het dus ‘n verantwoordelik nie net teenoor julle self nie, maar ook teenoor julle kinders. Gebruik hierdie geleentheid ten volle asseblief.
Ladies and gentlemen, as a country and as a government, we remain steadfast that the role of women in society is clear and can never be underestimated or underplayed. This is because women remain the bedrock upon which the family is built. Women are not only nurturers,
Women economic empowerment is a pre-requisite for Sustainable Livelihood and pro-poor growth strategies, based on the identified problem of women unemployment, the District has decided to conduct a women skills development training. The aim of the training was to create opportunities for the marginalized women in the hospitality sector.
The programme targeted women 18 to 45 years of age that are unemployed. The participants were enrolled into the programme from other sub programmes like foster care, gender-based violence etc. a key requirement was that all participants must have a passion and a drive to work in the hospitality industry and starting their own business (entrepreneurial).
The main outcome is for participants to complete the course and qualify. The end result is for participants to become sustainable by starting their own business and thereby deriving an income. Participants who are found to be competent will further be enrolled in a secondary program with SEDA for 3 days. The program will focus on business management and registration.
Through the skills development programme we hope to see women in either employment in the catering/hospitality industry or establishing their own businesses to ensure self-sustainability. The following skills development training will be focused on for 2022/23 especially in areas of skills scarcity in terms of catering.
Met hierdie opleiding wil ons verseker soos ek reeds gese het dat julle julle eie besighede kan bestuur of dat julle die arbeidsmark kan betree as gastehuis bestuurders, assistant kokke, koshuis moeders en so voorts.
Met hierdie opleiding en die toerusting hoop ons dat as one weer De Aar toe kom met programme dat julle die menses al wees wat die catering vir ons sal doen. Ons is bereid om tot sover te gaan, maar dit wil nie se dat julle dit automaties sal kry nie. Julle sal moet bewys dat julle die beste van die bestes kan wees. En ek vertrou dat julle wel goed sal doen.
Ek wil ook ‘n beroep doen op julle dat julle mooi na die toerusting kyk. Ons weet somtyds kan dinge moeilik raak en kan julle moed verloor. Onthou om ‘n besigheid te begin is nie maklik en aan die begin moet mens opoffer. As julle voel julle kan nie Voort gaan met hierdie moet nie die goed verkoop of verwaarloos nie. Ons het baie geld betaal vir die opleiding en toerusting. So as U voel U wil nie voortgaan nie gaan na die kantoor en gee die toerusting terug sodat dit iemand anders kan help.
Ek wil se dat ek baie vertroue in julle het en ek weet dat U ‘n sukses sal maak. Ons as Departement sal met U die pad stap en voel vry om enige tyd uit te reik vir hulp. Ons is hier om te help en te verseker da tons vroue en jongmense bemagtig om aktief deel te neem aan die ekonomie van De Aar.
As I conclude, I want to congratulate all the participants to this programme.
This is but one of the ways we can ensure the continued provision of food security, skills development, enterprise development and the general and overall development of the people we are mandated to serve. Women always show their mettle and continue to deliver on their formal and informal job responsibilities whilst excelling in their gender roles of being mothers, wives and partners.
To all our women, thank you for your meaningful contribution towards job creation, inclusive economic growth and food security. Mat this training and the gesture from the Department of Social Development spur you on to higher heights.
Allow me to leave you with the words of our former late President, Tata Madiba, who stated that, “Freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression”. Let this remain our guiding light as we count on your efforts to help us move this beautiful Province forward through sustainable food production.