2017 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, commemorated annually on June 15 2017, is in support of the United Nations International Plan of Action which regognizes the significance of abuse and neglect of older persons as a public health and human rights issue.

In order to raise awareness on this scourge of and to facilitate mutual respect and care between elderly and youth, the Department commemorated this day on Thursday, 15 June 2017, in Platfontein Kimberley. The theme for this day was: “Building Strong Support For Elder”

The HOD for Social Development Ms.Drinie Samson was the program director, MEC for Safety and Liaison Ms. Pauline Williams accompanied our MEC for Development Mr Gift Van Staden at this event. MEC Pauline Williams delivered a message of support she said” Just as the say goes Your Child is my Child we must say your Mother or Father is my
Mother or Father”. That was before she could introduce MEC Van Staden deliver the keynote address.

MEC Van Staden in his speech said “As a country, we can never boast to be free whilst senior citizens of our country who brought this freedom, continue to suffer and do not enjoy all of the rights enshrined in our Constitution. I believe that one of the biggest problems with our society today is the lack of respect people show for each other and especially for our elders.

As government, we are fully aware that one of the challenges facing older persons is that many of them face a life of financial difficulties when they reach pension able age. This state of affairs is variance with the promise of creating social justice and a fairer society. As government it is our responsibility to ensure that South Africans from all walks of life have the resources necessary to achieve a secure retirement. This we believe is the first step toward rectifying the current policy gaps with regard to retirement and expanding the social security system to include people who would otherwise have little, if any, income support for themselves and their dependents”

MEC's Van Staden and Williams handed over gifts to 104 years Julia Kubwata and all other special guests in attendance.

In his conclusion MEC Van Staden also stated that elderly should spoil themselves with sweets and biltong if they can't bite it they must use a pocket knife to slice it up because they never spoil themselves always thinking of their grandchildren.


By Moss Tyuthuza

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